Poem called "You" by me.
I feel anxious when you are near, but your smile makes me grin from ear to ear. Why do I feel this way about you, I fear, one day you'll ascend from this darkened atmosphere. You're like a moon jelly, swimming in the dark pool of my mind's thoughts, I pull you out, but you push back. Why would you push back? It's too dangerous here, I'm afraid I will attack. Why does my face heat up when we're close? It makes me want to do things at our age that our parents would find gross. But why would I push you away when you're the one I need most? I would say I love you but I know it means nothing to your blank stated mind, I want our lips to touch but I fear I'll go blind. I'll get lost in your beautiful brown eyes, dark as dirt, the soil of life. Your hands on me feeling like a knife. I can't love you, I'll never be allowed to, so instead I'll travel through the deep dark hue. Your shadows show me life but darkness when close, green doesn't look good on you, or maybe black, I don't know. I feel uncertainty from your touch and the fear, it's you who I want but I can't come near.