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Hey guys, I am actually really depressed again, I am tired of all those girls who wear bright colors and act all happy and then say they are 'depressed' That goes out to a girl named Allyssa. And any other person who fakes depression, well speaking of it, I am suicidal and cutting my arms again, I like the way it looks, and I love the pain it gives me... So I might seriously die. I am nervous to share this but here goes, In-band I thought of killing myself... Jumping up screaming it the running to get hit by a car... I know my best friends keep telling me to get help. but I am more scared of my mom than anyone else, I know It's stupid but I mean hey, at least imma have dope as fucking scars. So I might dir, And I will try and tell you guys if I do decide to do it, I trust you guys on here, Thank you for any support or love I get.