Ford was probably doing something around the woods wearing these extra large goggles on his face and a grass-like backpack to use as a hiding spot if he needed. He was looking for an extraterrestrial being but had no luck for the past four hours. He was focused on one spot before he saw the little deer walk by. Disrupting his concentration as he stared interesting in the little being. But as he stared more and more he realized it looked a lot like dipper. So he had to ask.
"Dipper?. Dipper is that you?"
He questioned in confusion
"No, I'm okay Grunkle Ford.." He mumbled and shuffled as the other dusted him off. "It feels weeeirrd! Why do I have so many legs? How do normal animals do this?"
He held onto him, trying his best to stay standing. "I-I think I'm fine, other than the.. situation." He said and brushed mud off his clothes. "I fell into a stream and when I came out I was this.."
"Look! I have chest hair!" Dipper said cheerfully, pulling down his shirt a little to show off a thin layer of fuzz that was growing all over his body. "Maybe Wendy will like it.. she's a girl, and most girls like soft things."