Hey everyone! I really missed writing stories for you guys! I will begin writing again this summer break! I would really love if you left me some feedback in my comments. Do you like stories where I write all of them or the readers request more? Tell me in the comments below. You all mean so much to me, and thank you for your support! 
          	Link for readers' request: https://forms.gle/AeZaDPSxRQEpyHPG9


Really loving the stories you’ve made so far, Keep up the great work! Hopefully Layla & Tony can make up 


Hey everyone! I really missed writing stories for you guys! I will begin writing again this summer break! I would really love if you left me some feedback in my comments. Do you like stories where I write all of them or the readers request more? Tell me in the comments below. You all mean so much to me, and thank you for your support! 
          Link for readers' request: https://forms.gle/AeZaDPSxRQEpyHPG9


Really loving the stories you’ve made so far, Keep up the great work! Hopefully Layla & Tony can make up 


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long, I have mid-terms next week and after that... WINTER BREAK! I'm currently looking over all of your requests and I'm a but confused about a request. What is m/n? Could the person who included this in their request reach out to me and clarify? 
          USE THIS LINK TO REQUEST! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dlhzrxAuDqTkiVYmmnutRv8Yd0VLGdmBMNcJN3JUuwI/edit?pli=1


I believe it stands for moms/name 


Hey readers! Any new requests for the readers request story? Please comment below or on the bottom of the latest story in the book! Thanks!


@D4RKST4R720 you know what nvm I misread you post completely


I'm sorry, what is naga wgo? I'm really confused.


Maybe, just depends on what the storyline is! Post your request at the bottom of my latest chapter of readers' request and I'll let you know! :)


"Fast and Furious Spyracers: The Tale of the Lost Island" has reached 4k reads! It was the first story I ever wrote on Wattpad, and it's amazing to see I've come such a long way. Thanks to all of my amazing readers, without whom this wouldn't have happened. Thanks and much love, Chloe.


@ D4RKST4R720  
            Spy racers Tony AND layla


Hey, @kaywrites12 and @Ibella3282007! Your requests will be published next week (they are currently under editing and final revisions), along with chapter 4 of "Tough Love"! Looking forward to it! If anyone has any more requests, please PLEASE comment on the 1st chapter so I can get started. I'm looking forward to all of them!