Hi all. Its been a while, and I've been thinking back to my story writing more and more. I'll set things down on a plate right now for all of you wondering.
In between other hobbies, work, life kicking the gas pedal, and my personal problems, its been a lot to juggle. I haven't had the time nor motivation to work on Ram:IF and my other projects. However, since its the summer and I have freetime in my hands, I will be continuing one of my smaller projects; Subaru's Benadryl World.
After careful consideration, I've also decided that Ram:IF will not continue writing unless matters change for me in the future.
With that being said, I am opening the stage to anyone who is willing to help write/continue Ram:IF with me. For more information, please contact my discord: DecksDach#0555
I will be writing Benadryl World Chapter 3 in the meantime, so please stay tuned! O7