Dear @DAFFIESTPICK476 Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for the triple updates. Most of the stories I’ve been reading have been quiet. I still quietly and patiently wait for updates( some last updated 01/2024 :((( But I know author nims have real lives to live so yeah ….
I’ve only read the first chapter of your story and I’m storing the rest for marathoning . But this might change soon as you’ve been updating them regularly <33
Good luck with your exams. Borahae always, your wetpatz ff grandm ;)))
@Cingdoc hehe I wanted to update faster for you, so you can start reading soon! goodnighttttt, sleep welllll, everything's gonna be okay okie? no need to say thank you to me for anything :)) Borahaeeeee foreverrrr <333
@DAFFIESTPICK476 Wow, you’re so multi talented. You wrote another chapter while studying *applause .
It’s goodnight for me. So I’m going to zzz since it’s been a long day.
Thank you, again . Borahae always <33
Hey guys, will post chapter ten by tomorrow, I'm sorry, I'm feeling a little under the weather...I'm sorry
Have a good day/night!! Love you guyss!!
Hi guys!!! Gonna take a small break, gonna update Mending The Broken Sky in a few days, I'm traveling, sorry for the inconvenience caused, you will have to wait for a little while now, I'm sorryy
Have a good day/night!! Love you guyss!!