It's been a long time coming, but I've finally posted the first instalment of "Abhorrent Practices - Book 2".
          	And, if you've been wondering about the Lord High Abbot, the man whose life Sandrine is contracted to end, well, now's your chance to meet him. Just click on the link!


At the risk of seeming rude I’ll tell u that I’m relatively new here and have an ongoing coming of age fantasy work. However, to dull the possible disrespect this may portray, I will neither post the link nor ask that u read it when u have the time. Still, if u ever get curious enough, I’d b glad to have u witness it’s events. Thank you


Aaaand, with today's instalment, "Abhorrent Practices" comes to an end. Well, half of an end anyway! I've split the story into two books, and this chapter is the final part of Book 1.
          The rest of the story will follow soon (as Book 2), and I'll begin posting parts of that just as soon as I have a few instalments finished and ready to go.
          In the meantime, why not go back and read it from the beginning again? I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it reads as a single piece, rather than as a series of separate instalments. Until then, thanks to everyone who's taken the time to vote on Wattpad and leave comments. That stuff is just awesome!


Is anyone going to the London WattCon this year?
          I plan to poke my head in to see what it's all about, so - if any of you lovely followers / readers/ fellow writers are going - maybe we could meet up?
          Do let me know,


The penultimate instalment of "Abhorrent Practices" is now go. Well, the penultimate instalment of Book 1, anyway!
          And in this one, we address the big, big question: just what DID people do for entertainment before the invention of television? Well, on the island of Orrin's Rock at least, it seems, burning a witch in public is always guaranteed to draw a crowd!


As i've mentioned to a couple of people recently, I've decided to split "Abhorrent Practices" into two books. What does that mean in practice?
          Well, mainly it means Book 1 is nearly complete. I'll be revising a few of the earlier chapters to reflect the changed structure, but - as far as Wattpad readers are concerned - there are only two more chapters of Book 1 to come. Eep!
          Want to read the whole thing from the beginning? Try starting here:


I meant to post this instalment of "Abhorrent Practices" last week, but decided it needed a lot more work. Ah well, it's here now!
          So, what can you expect? More Teeth and Bones, that's what! Yes, the dice game which will determine whether our rather lovely witch, Alyss, is handed over to the Knights of Endurance finally reaches its climax. Eep!