
Crashing Tides is back in action! Progress is being made!


Super Edition choices (for 150 followers) -
          - Ironstar's Destiny (already planned, will work harder if chosen)
          - Blood on Your Paws (Moonclaw's backstory) (already planned, will work harder if chosen)
          - Holliblu's Anger
          - Honeydew's Confession
          - Silverfeather's Hope
          - Oceanstar's Lie
          - Scorchstar's Terror
          - Waterlily's Love
          ~ Need ideas for manga characters (if manga is chosen for the 150 follower special)


Also thanks for voting!
            And Thunder it's a vote for what we should do for 150 followers. Like what book would you want us to do the most?


( Blood On your paws is being Worked on! )


What should we do for the 150 follower special?
          - Nothing
          - Super Edition - character based on fan choice!
          - Manga - character based on fan choice
          Or something else? Thanks guys! (Character choices for manga/super edition will be listed in another post.)


So, We don't want you guys thinking that where late because we don't have any ideas for the book. We have the WHOLE series planned out, And I am not kidding. It's just with school and everything it's hard to post everything faster.
          Sorry for the Inconvenience


For those of you that have joined our Warrior Cats Roleplay The Fan Clans, here is something we would like you to know.
          Starting now DAMAProductions Staff Members will be picking out a random cat from the Allegiances and drawing them. After that, the drawing will be posted in our Art Gallery book.
          we will tag you so you know we did a drawing of your cat OC