Check out this cool graphics book! They are taking requests and I suggest you to get some professionally done covers since people do judge a book by its cover at the end of the day.


Hey, here's your cover, how is this? https://imgur.com/a/AC3kWK6


@x_luminous_x || Romance. Something like Archivo Black could as well suit it. Or just like the example cover I sent you as an inspiration earlier? 


@DAQVAN yeah that's fine, I know its a fanfic but what genre would you say the story is? Just so I can pick a better font 


@x_luminous_x || Hi! Thank you for working so hard on the cover but can you change the colour theme please? I feel like it looks too bright to the book. Maybe black & white but with golden fonts. And if you could add some better designed fonts then it would be amazing. 


I am going to start writing for House Of The Dragon/Game Of Thrones/Fire & Blood. Will you guys even read? Since the Twilight fandom is dying, I guess. No worries, I will still update my books on Twilight.


@KnightOfAlexei I'd love to read it, for sure! I know your writing will be pristine and I can't wait to see what else you end up creating :)


@Bluelucy3 meaning definitely a come back will return! Keep it up I know a ton of people at my uni that love it. 


They just came out with a twilight lego set and the new make set that sold out in minutes. They're also planning to create the TV show in the next 2 years I believe


I fell in love only to lose him. It feels like the worst night of my life. He refuses to tell me what caused this. And I am begging him for an explanation. I wonder what made him do this. I know I am at fault but I deserved to know what I had done so wrong that I lost the person whom I love so much. The person who became my life. No, he is not one of the red flag guys. He is the sweetest and most loving person. Not once has he ever hurt me until now. And no, there's no cheating. I just feel like to die from this confusion. I cannot even focus on my studies currently. Is he even alright? I don't know. I want to know what is going on.


@kidkalopsia | Yep, I am doing much better now. I was just really shocked by his behaviour but only time will say what was the issue. But thank you for reaching out! I hope you are well. (:


@KnightOfAlexei babes ru ok omg im here for u this sounds so tough to go thru


It is so depressing istg. In my old preference book, I used to post one imagine or chapter, I would be getting 100+ reads and 20+ votes immediately. And yesterday, after my year long break, I posted another chapter in the new preference book only to get some embarrassing amount of reads like 30 and only 2 votes. Is the fandom really dying?


@-bratz- | Yep, gotta keep working to match up with the algorithm again. And you are right, I barely see old writers around. Just the new ones even they are very less in number unlike before.


@btsnoona90 | At least, you are here lol. 