To all of those that have been following me for a while I imagine you're a bit confused about where all my stories went. Almost all of them were removed, neither you or myself can access them. 
          	This kinda pisses me off as I spent a while on a lot of those stories. I will likely not post anymore due to fear of more of my stories taken down. 
          	It's truly a shame that I can express myself in a creative way, making stories that are both entertaining, and slightly erotic, even under a mature label. 
          	If anyone has any ideas as to where to post new stories I'm all ears, I also have some of my old ones saved as well that I can post elsewhere. 
          	But I will no longer be writing on Wattpad.


          	  I lost those stories
          	  Sorry guys


To all of those that have been following me for a while I imagine you're a bit confused about where all my stories went. Almost all of them were removed, neither you or myself can access them. 
          This kinda pisses me off as I spent a while on a lot of those stories. I will likely not post anymore due to fear of more of my stories taken down. 
          It's truly a shame that I can express myself in a creative way, making stories that are both entertaining, and slightly erotic, even under a mature label. 
          If anyone has any ideas as to where to post new stories I'm all ears, I also have some of my old ones saved as well that I can post elsewhere. 
          But I will no longer be writing on Wattpad.


            I lost those stories
            Sorry guys


Hey man, I was just reading “diaper disaster” and I wanted to thank you, the end of that story was better than most, when I read some of these stories, especially these that include hypnosis I lay awake thinking of how horrible the implications are and this one ended with justice and diapers, thank you very much.


Hey Guys I'm back.
          I lost my password for this account for a while so that's why I haven't been posting any new stories or updating. 
          While I was away I did post on a second account @AbbyMil102, it's also diaper stories and if you like the stuff on this account I highly recommend checking it out, its not connected to anything here, but like I said, I like the stories and will continue to update them. 
          More is to come!
          Thanks for your patience.


@DBEATS1 Finally can't wait to read your great works 