HELLO MY LOVELIESSS! You have no idea how sorry I am for the delays in updating :( I had a ton of exams and I was stressed af and barely even touched my phone. Anyway! That's all done for now thank God! I'll be updating asap (today or tomorrow most probably) I hope u like the updates and sorry once again for the wait xx I hope you're all having a great day and much love xxx
Hey! I've just finished your story about Joker and Eve. I am dying to know what happened next in part 3. I know that you've been gone for 7 years, but I really hope you'll write it again.
I hope you are okay omg I really do . Please if you see this ofc u'll realise it's been 7 years and we are still here waiting for u to update that's how much we love u and the book . I still have hopes you'll come back and update . Sending love
Omg you’ve been gone for 6 years I hope everything is okay. Are you going to come back this book series has become a comfort for me and I’m so sad that I’ve finished them I’m wondering if you’re going to finish writing this one?