✨〔 sorry to fail you all.
          	                PANDORA-FABIOLA signing off.
          	                        PANDORARP THANK YOU! 
          	                                           'TIL NEXT TIME.
          	                                            I WILL WAIT.
          	                              PLEASE UNFOLLOW! 〕


the wind blows through the streets that are cleared with people, though some stores aren't yet closing. the moon glows, scattering light all over the city, mixing with the faint light from the glass windows of the shoppes and lamps that are placed in every corner of the town. 
          for caspia, it is the best time to stroll around the area. she always likes how the cold breeze softly brushes on her skin as the moonlight hits it, making it radiantly natural. perhaps, it is one of her own beauty hacks. 
          walking leisurely, she closes her eyes, tucking her hands inside the pocket of her jeans, resting her mind, cutting all those thoughts for a moment. and there she gets lost in her own space. 
          being unaware of her surroundings, caspia's breath hitches when she feels someone put a hand on her shoulder.
          her face becomes pale and her palms start to sweat. she is just new to the place, she couldn't trust anyone other than herself.  so without thinking straight and fear combining in, she sharply turns her head back and harshly pushes away the person. she breathes heavily, raising her fists up to her chest in impulse.


Aphra's eyes were closed as she was lying on the grass, feeling the fresh air. Music was playing from her earphones. Everything was at peace until someone accidentally stepped on her hand. "Ouch!" she groaned as she opened her eyes and caressed her hand. She rose up and looked at you. "Yah!" she said, frowning at you. 


she was busy roaming around the city when she smelled an unfamiliar scent behind her. since she was lazy to talk to someone, she just walked fastly and pretend she didn't smell someone who wanted to talk to her but after minutes of running away, she changed her mind. "okay fine. lets be friendly this time" she murmured and looked at you. "Hi! what can I do for you?" she gave her sweetest smile. 


while being distracted, caspia felt like she heard something but soon disregarded the thought. a few seconds later, someone tapped her shoulder lightly, almost felt like air. she tilted her head to the direction of the person, seeing a girl looking adorable with her cheeks tinted with a shade of red. caspia scratched the back of her head before showing off a cheeky grin. "hey there, i thought i heard someone earlier, was it you?" 


while being distracted, caspia felt like she heard something but soon disregarded the thought. a few seconds later, someone tapped her shoulder lightly, almost felt like air. she tilted her head to the direction of the person, seeing a girl looking adorable with her cheeks tinted with a shade of red. caspia scratched the back of her head before showing off a cheeky grin. "hey there, i thought i heard someone earlier, was it you?" while being distracted, caspia felt like she heard something but soon disregarded the thought. a few seconds later, someone tapped her shoulder lightly, almost felt like air. she tilted her head to the direction of the person, seeing a girl looking adorable with her cheeks tinted with a shade of red. caspia scratched the back of her head before showing off a cheeky grin. "hey there, i thought i heard someone earlier, was it you?" 


i let out a soft chuckle, wgule she suddenly said goals right in front of my face, as she stated about her family i need to cheer her up more. "don't worry you will meet the other lovegoods soon" i exclaimed and smiled at her.