My name is Egar Deborah Eni. Am 19 years young. I was born 14th May 1999. I am a Christian woman,who loves God, His word, His unbroken companionship, His command, His promise,His love, His patience and His Majesty. I am an undergraduate from the university of Calabar. My discipline are in the area of genetics and biotechnology.

Debraegar loves reading, writing, listening to gospel music's and love songs. She loves watching wrestling. Her favourite wrestlers are Roman Reign and Charlotte Flair(Wooooooo).

My BFF is TRINITY. I.e THE HOLYSPIRIT!!!! The Holy Spirit has always been there and He will be there for me. His been my Comforter, my All in All, my Encourager, my Strength, my Shield and Buckler, my Redeemer( Redeemed Mr from sin), my Teacher, my Provider, my Speaker, my Deliver, my Rock and my Salvation.

Trinity has been an help to be in so many ways. Let me share one with you. During my exam period He tells me an hit of some question that would be asked during my exams and to my marvelous surprise what He showed me, that was it, so so true. I went in there I nailed the question, killed it, murdered it and also buried it. And now I can see all my A's lined up in front of me. You know what?

That's one of the great inciting thing of being a Christian and a follower of Christ.

So my advice to everyone reading my profile is that you should come and join me in this Amazing and Glorious race I am running up to; remember, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. We should all press on to win the Supreme and Heavenly prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.

#Salvationisforeveryone #Jesusisforeveryone #God'sgraceisgreaterthanallourfailures

One more thing, Christianity is not about laws, its about Jesus Christ and how He shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins. That's why Christianity is a relationship based on the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. #HADASSAH
  • Nigeria
  • JoinedMarch 13, 2018

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