
           © ⠀⠀⠀⠀┈┈     THE SCENT OF DEWY RAIN,     THUNDER OUTSIDE AND,      HAY WITH A MIXTURE OF WOOD AND STRAW FILLED HIS NOSTRILS.          darkness coveted the barn, providing a vast sanctuary for ryomen. the animals however, sensed what a mortal couldn’t,          THEY SENSED HIS UNSEEN PRESENCE AND WITH DISTASTE, NEIGHED. but it mattered little to him, aside of the growing irritation and he turned abruptly. a vast, unspoken look was all they needed, and manes shrank back in their stalls,          chiding to utter silence.             HE WAS SATISFIED ONLY FOR A MOMENT AFORE A NEW SCENT GRACED HIS NOSTRILS. what transpired next was unseen, movement lithe, and a soft grunt would sift through the back of his throat -— only for ryomen to swallow it back. itching fingers reached in the darkness, still and motionless; at the meticulous speed,      he felt the soft flesh of throat and like greed coursing through his vein with an adrenaline so high; he closed his fingers around the jugular of the enemy’s throat.


 lightning burnt the sky a brilliant white & wyatt stepped off the porch of his farmhouse. shrugged further into his jacket, he trudged through the worsening mud in attempt to reach the barn before the next thunderclap. the region rarely saw such violent storms & the horses were new — many of them being held for friends or members of the rodeo performers.
             he reached the barn before the thunder broke again, ducked inside & sighed as the door closed behind him. he never liked thunderstorms — before the thought could take root, wyatt noticed a presence. he had reached for his whip by the time he felt a hand on his skin. the lightning cracked & for a moment, the face of the assailant was illuminated in stomach turning brilliance. wyatt stared into the dark, a voice piercing through the murkiness & wyatt couldn't bring himself to speak. 
             a few moments of silence passed, a distant thunderclap burning the land with light. "y-yeah. this is mine, the barn is mine. didn't mean to spook ya— i was.. the horses ain't used to this. i don't mean to hurt ya, please don't— i don't wanna cause you no trouble, sir." 


          OO1. ⠀⠀⠀┈┈   LIGHTNING FLASHED JUST AS HE DREW THE OTHER CLOSER,       and the breath he hadn’t noted escaped pale lips.  a momentary relapse, as if the rain outside had a voice of its own, taunting the god.          but fascinating, wasn’t it? he found himself feeling the cold brunt of anger licking his wounds and the provided vision of the —-       a man, it was; tall but not nearly as tall as him, and it irked ryomen. unease settled in the pitch of his belly as the moment shattered to pieces, and he could feel it.       the line he’d crossed, the sanctuary that was no longer his ⠀⠀┈┈  even  amidst darkness.
                                        “this yours?”
            staring intently as darkness once more surrounded the barn and lightning no longer provided a vast visage; however,      he could still see past the vivid blankets of nothingness, and ryomen sighed. the war in wanting to release the other      weighed heavily in his mind, but so did the need for a quiet, undisturbed calm.


well.  i'd tell you to try again,  but clearly it didn't work the first time.     /what/,    you're going to throw another one?


@DELITESCO,    [    there’s a slight flicker in his eyes,  covered by the obvious blindfold against them but the way his lips draw into a smile.    ]    i'd thought you'd never ask.    [    just as he was strong,  he was also uncharacteristically good at these games as well.  so as he gives the last bit of payment,  he throws the rings with ease.  landing as many as told,  although of course with a few that missed.  on purpose,  or by accident.  that was just the mystery of it all,  wasn't it?    ]    which one was it that you wanted?  the horse.    [    the platinum—blonde states,  beckoning for the plush to settle in—between his arms before offering it up to the masked figure.    ]    my treat.


 i'll get it — [ wyatt eyed the remaining hoops, conviction visible in his eyes although the rest of his face was obscured by his tasselled mask. he made his last few throws & as expected, he failed. ] ... well, i guess i could go again. or you could go — you should try, don't ya wanna try? 


@DELITESCO,    i don't know if you're gonna get it.    [    but gojo was hooked,  interested in the faulty display of conviction.  however,  his eyes cast to last remaining hoops and his head tilts.    ]    better make these count,   "  partner  ".


  i  don’t  like   the  sound of  that..     the  hell’s  behind  the  damn   door? 


 behind the door? why, it's the bull i'll be ridin' tonight. he's real angry — could stick one of 'em sharp horns straight through me if he tried. but he won't try, so don't go worrying yer pretty little head about it. 


        yer’      trespassin’   but..   so  am  i.  


 wyatt cautiously eyed the other from under his tasselled mask — that dark flint in the man's gaze looked almost like he wanted trouble. 
             "would i be obligated to handle it? 'cause i ain't plannin' on bein' a scapegoat for ya, buddy."


      roman   laughed,   gaze   twinkling   with mirth  as  a   dark  glint  flashed  with  challenge. he  watched  the  other  closely,  @DELITESCO; sizing  him  up.  a  rumble  of  words  formed  on  his  tongue, leaving  in  a  chuckling  breath. 
                   “i like trouble. think you can handle it if i did?”


 it's only trespassin' if you get caught. you gonna rat me out? 'cause i ain't fixin' to get in no trouble today, i got better things to do.


        ya’     know..      i  could  mimic  you  if  i  wanted.         truly,  i  say. 


 he gave a short chuckle & put his hands on his hips, " i ain't tryin' to make it sound complicated. 's simple really — ya learn to understand the bull. they all got these ways about 'em. been ridin' since before i could shave. i know these here things by heart. "


          a    sigh   tore  from  his  lips, 
            @DELITESCO ;           expression  a  dazed  light  of  amusement  and  he  gave  a short  nod.
                         “  yer’   making  it  sound  too  complicated  it.   lessen  the  effect,   damn.”


 there ain't much to ridin' a bull after all. i'm pretty sure just about any rancher worth his salt could wrangle one of them beasties. 