I am not getting enough inspiration for writing these story further I feel like ending it in mid way what do you say?


Hey marshmallows  
          I am sorry I have to take a leave from Wattpad once again as I have another wedding to attend this week and I am returning back to India for maybe few years or maybe months as I want to remember my days in india so I would take a short yet long period of break so please forgive senoritas
          Vi amo tutti fino alla fine del mio respiro~ 
          Se ho il vostro supporto sono la persona più fortunata del mondo~


@DEVILS_ONE_AND_ONLY it's okay Vivi! Enjoy your holidays and welcome to our India! ❤❤
            Actually, I didn't reply to anyone here but... I missed you so... Just came to check on you ❤❤
            Love you ❤❤


@KimSoojin1112 aww I missed you too dear suju


Hey guys~ 
           sorry for not updating yet I promise I will soon 
          So I am posting this to inform you that I broke my wrist  
          So I am sorry for a tiny bit of more delay please understand me lil 
          I will still try to write as much as I could  
          Ok then 
          Stay safe and healthy marshmallow 


Hey yooo guys!!✨
          How are you all doing ?!
          As I have high fever so my big bros' are going to complete the chapter which I have been working on alone so I had to woar you that they are obsessed with dirty things if anything takes place please don't scold my lovely brother please 


this message may be offensive
Guys I was writing the story farther cuz I told you that I will upload it at Saturday or Sunday 
          That time a message popped up 
          And I opened it and I saw a shocking news from my dad 
          Guess what?
          Tomorrow morning the presentation has to be done and my dad is coming back to home and it will take time more then 3-4 hours and he is not tell me what to do 
          He said when he comes back to home we will talk about this it is 12:33 pm and he want it when 
          Tommorow morning 
          I got some information about it from my brother and he says that it is a very long presentation even he tried making it but he is not able to 
          Dad say it to be asthetic cuz the partner in the business loves aesthetics and it should be in minimum colours
          Like what am i supposed to make it black and white or something?¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯
          And in the mean time I have to write to upload another chapter which is less than completed like it is not even completed half of it 
          And I got another work for doing 
          It will take my whole day to satisfy dad
          [ Don't think dirty]
          He likes it perfectly fine 
          Even a single mistake happens then I have to redo everything from the start 
          I am so stressed out 
          I will not able to upload if I do the presentation 
                             ~On the other hand~
          I will mess up a million€ deal 
          I don't know what to do I am fucking stressed out about this guy please help me to solve this mess I have 3 hours to think about it ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ


@DEVILS_ONE_AND_ONLY heyy! Yk you should focus on what's actually important. Stories can wait yk. You just write it when you feel like it :) 


You guy that next chapter which I'm going to update is very very huge like insanely huge so sorry if it takes sometime because right now I just started and I just wrote the starting and I already reach 3575+ words and you know I still have to write very very much as started please give me some time let me completed and because of that I cannot just update the chapter which I have written before cuz they both are related if I don't post this chapter very huge chapter then you will not be able to understand about the chapter
          So give me some time I guess I'll update by Saturday or Sunday okay