/ going to redo her relationships in a while (already removed some) but cb if you want a spot n' specify which <3


@aIjinu :: / we could let them continue &&. see where they go ?? or you could pm me n’ we can plot c:


/ also ,, responses a bit later !! i will be busy for the rest of the week but i will respond whenever i can <33


"you smell like danger, death. Will I be safe tonight?" 


@FANGEDFXCK :: as long as your don’t get on my bad side ,, you’ll be as safe as can be c,, darling 


@WEAREN0TKIDSN0W :: [ she smiled as she watched him ,, feeling amused by how easily he was pleased .. ]     i need coffee once you're done with this .. maybe some of that 24h energy stuff too


@WEAREN0TKIDSN0W :: nothing of the sort ,,     [ vesela smiled lightly ,, though admittedly in a tired manner as well .. ]     today just seems like a lazy day ,, you know ??


/ going to redo her relationships in a while (already removed some) but cb if you want a spot n' specify which <3


@aIjinu :: / we could let them continue &&. see where they go ?? or you could pm me n’ we can plot c:


/ also ,, responses a bit later !! i will be busy for the rest of the week but i will respond whenever i can <33


u - uh - i , uh , know this looks bad - but i jus' los' my clothes - that isn' any better is it -


yea , 'm . . good . . 


@-lateniights- :: do not fret ,, darling !! i only hope that you're okay ??


• it was an awkward length , but he was covered , and that was all that mattered • thanks , uh , really sorry -


/ cb + specify or drop pls i'm bored ); n' as always pm to plot !! i gotta build her up more 


;;  intrigued  pls   ? 


@aIjinu :: a fresh blush dusted her cheeks ,, darkening the one that had previously covered her face .. she allowed herself to be dragged through the crowd with him ,, not caring that she was essentially taking a stranger back home with her .. it was as if no words needed to be spoken for them to understand each other ,, so she laughed along with him .. "italy is not so different during the day if compared to the nights in the desert ,, but you might be chilly .. are you sure you don't want my coat ?? besides ,, it would give me an excuse to cling to your arm on the way .."


@aIjinu :: "and i adore yours ,," giggled she ,, her eyes smiling as much as her mouth was .. "do you need a coat ?? it might be cold outside and its a ten minute walk .." she aimlessly grasped behind her ,, attempting to grab the coat from her chair .. she didn't want to break the eye contact for fear of breaking the connection they had somehow established .. when she finally grasped it ,, she held it up for him to see .. "it's even got my name on it .."


@aIjinu :: the succubus watches him sip the liquid carefully ,, taking note of his behavior .. "why thank you ,," vesela smiles at him ,, grabbing her own drink from the bartender with a wink .. "i still have my outfit on from earlier underneath this dress ,, which is why it seems a bit bulky in some areas .. i apologize for this how unprofessional that is ,, though i am sure you'll be far too drunk in the morning to remember a stripper like me .."


@aIjinu :: "don't go to heavily then ,," she advises him .. "getting drunk after midnight as a light weight is never a good idea .. though i think you've been here for a while now ,, no ?? i think i saw you when i was performing ,, but it could have very possibly not been you .. i never did en up catching your eye .."