damn lowkey forgot abt this app ☠️ ALSO WHY THEY TAKE AWAY DMS


Do yall agree with Africans saying nigga or no??? I wanna know some of y’all’s opinions


@LAYLADABRATTT I’m African diaspora and I think Africans should be able to say it. Especially being Liberian( created by u,s. Slaves), a lot of the u.s. black culture end up overlapping and seeping into Liberia. And my uncles say it, so yeah. It is seen as more “ghetto” and “black American” by people who think they have a moral high ground over people bu that’s just the bitter brokies  anyways.


ok ok, because i watched this video were it was Africans and black Americans debating and the black Americans say he doesn’t like when Africans say it. He brought up the point, “does your family say it?” And she says no. So I can understand if you don’t mind bc I would rather African saying nigga then a Dominican. But me personally I don’t think I really have an isssue bc we are still black.


me personally I agree ion feel like they shouldn’t ‍♀️


And on the topic of dd, notti, and ddot, how old are some of you hoes? Bc I be seeing yall drooling over some 14 year olds at 17… Ain’t that weird? I know they write them to be older but still… the person you r imagining doing all this stuff is 14…. AND DECEASED. Like to me that’s just disgusting. I know I said imma read some books but I think I might stop the notti books (or at least imagine somebody else? Because like actually imagine a group of boys writing porn about you or you deceased 14 year old brother. And then when they delete it a whole bunch of people are complaining. Omg that is disgusting. Like nasty. Like imagine if they found this one day, and read these stories how would you feel? Or how would these fc feel because your also writing porn about them using there face? Like ew this is actually sick. Now I’m not calling you guys sick for reading or writing on wattpad bc I DO IT TOO. It be soo interesting, we just have to be more aware of what we are actually doing and what harm it can actually cause if somebody saw this.


@krabby1239 Yes! And her readers tried to come for me too, blocked all them mfs quick.


@UnbotheredFloridian ewww someone wrote that?


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Also fuck Hispanic niggas saying nigga. You do not get that privilege. Some people might think it’s cool but not around me. Even all these lil hood rats yall be writing about (don’t get me wrong I love some of y’all’s stories) I’m tired of them asses saying nigga too. ESPECIALLY because they are not only not black but they are COLORIST too and yall bitches drooling over them knowing damn well they don’t want your melanated ass. I’m over those bitches, don’t get me wrong tho I’m still finna read y’all’s stories bc yall be eating tf outta them shits


@LAYLADABRATTT or when you correct them and they they aren’t white? Like you are but even if you weren’t, are you black though?!




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And everything bad or messed up gets pushed on the black group, like for example:  Let’s say a Jamaican American or whatever the hell goes to jail, it’s going in the black American group, which is a name for us who cant easily trace our heritage. (Also Foundational Black Americans do have a culture, we created our own and everyone and they mama wanna indulge in it and steal it. But if they graduate from Harvard they Jamaican American or they Nigerian. Like where’s the accountability for when you do bad things? Or even Cardi B, whenever there are articles or videos about black people Cardi B is always there…. That bitch is not black she is Dominican….. Stop playing bc this shit is pissing me off


@Jesuispamelaaa Me too, they are still black and if they asses was on the plantation they’d have to do work too.


@LAYLADABRATTT ion know  bout y’all but me personally  I consider biracial people as black, ion feel like we should make them have there own groupe aside cuz like they are black we can’t lie about that. To me they are appart of the black culture and I don’t feel like we should put them aside. 


@Jesuispamelaaa To me it kinda brings up the topic, are biracial people black or are they separate? I’ve seen this one lady on YouTube say that we need to “gatekeep black culture” and even going as far to say that biracial people should be there own group aside from just black, while I can understand gate keeping it from certain people, but if they have a significant amount of black in them, do we take it away? And if we are using that logic, how much black do you need to be considered a real black person???


I’m literally on the verge of dying rn. But how are yall?


But thank you for the concern, how are you guys?


Yeah I’m getting better but I’m sick of life rn and I’m literally sick and having nosebleeds every 5 minutes


Unpopular Opinion: Some women deserve the men they attract. Like people think they are so above what they are receiving but aren’t acting or holding themselves to that standard. Now I’m not saying lower your standard, im saying LEVEL TF UP. You can not be expecting a  man with all these good qualities or have this high standard and not even living up to it your damn self.  Hope this makes sense.


@Stunnagirlwifey nooo that’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying girl NEED standards, and there nothing wrong with having high standards. I’m just saying we need to be on or above our own standards for others especially a partner.


@LAYLADABRATTT real but ima still have standards 