I feel sad :) 
          	and I think I know why....


I checked out the link and at first when I quickly scrolled through it just to check it out I went blind but then I reread it and it was actually kinda cute and I loved it 


I know right <3 


Just got called a disgusting gay by @LittlePussyS2
          And it all started by me just correcting the author that the character they had in their story was a women not a man. (GRELL from Black Butler) 
          Then this person replies with things saying it a “fuçking fictional show” and “technically he is a man” 
          Like stfu SHE is a WOMAN. 
          And don’t call me a child when you can’t even have a simple conversation without cursing even sentence. Like if you call someone a child make sure you’re atleast a adult. 
          Plus. I know im gay so what ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


They said "That's what I should say, how can someone be as disgusting as you? I'm an atheist but in the face of beings like you, Jesus is the only option" something along those lines


you know what is sad @Bobolhas? making a second account to try to say I'm disgusting that  I support Trans people.  Also how did you being Atheist and Jesus come into this disagreement?  Jesus loves all of us and he would not be disgusted with me just because I support Lgbtq. I do not thing he will be disgusted by you but more disappointed that you are willing to bash people who are trans and the people that support them.


@FransForEverLol1  isso é oq eu deveria dizer, como alguem pode ser tao  nojento igual vc? sou ateu mas diante de seres como voce, jesus é a unica opção 