
So it may very well look like I've given up on my new project, 'A Heartfelt Dream', but I absolutely haven't. Yes, it's been like 2 months since I've released a chapter - but those have been two really busy months. I've almost finished chapter five! Hopefully I'll have it up soon!


So it may very well look like I've given up on my new project, 'A Heartfelt Dream', but I absolutely haven't. Yes, it's been like 2 months since I've released a chapter - but those have been two really busy months. I've almost finished chapter five! Hopefully I'll have it up soon!


Hey everyone! So I've decided I'm going to start posting one of my ongoing series, 'The Traveler'. It's a series of short stories that are centered around the same character, Fae, as he journeys across the land. Each town and place he visit has a different adventure waiting. This is a high fantasy series and mostly explores philosophical issues. 
          Watch this space. 
          The Everyday Writer/ DJJ Mizzi.


Hey everyone - chapter four of A Heartfelt Dream is scheduled to be posted today. It's been a whirlwind of a chapter, and taken much longer to write than I first thought it would - but I'm quite happy with how it turned out. But as always, constructive criticism is still warmly welcomed. 
          On another note, I've unpublished A Dragon Slayer and I don't think I'm going to be publishing any more online for the foreseeable future. This is because there is so much stealing of literature online and I don't want to see my longest going and most loved work stolen. If you were one of the few that was reading it, and you want to read more, please let me know. I can send through the entire manuscript (I'm happy to do that with writers I trust). 
          Happy Friday everyone, and I hope you all have a productive weekend. 


I just posted a new chapter of A Heartfelt Dream. If you like romance, feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. All feedback is appreciated!


The third chapter of A Heartfelt Dream is now going into its editing phase! Should be posted within the next couple of days. If you haven't yet managed to check it out - go ahead and let me know what you think. 
          Happy Saturday everyone!!


I've been reviewing books on YouTube. Just as a way to gain traction for my writing. Feel free to check it out. Link in bio (link tree). 


Haha. Thanks! Yeah I was just being silly and having fun with those. Aiming for one video per month going forward (but potentially more). Thank you so much for your support!! :)


@DJJMizzi Hey, I loved it! And I agree 100% with your review of "The Name of the Wind" so slow but so well written. Good job! I loved how quick the review was and the graphics cracked me up lol Good job!