
Hello to anybody who actually reads this! So as you may know, I have not given a single rat tooth to My Kryptonite lately since well I lost my passion for 1D a while ago and with losing that passion for Harry I can't seem to find ideas to continue the story so I'm going to pull the plug on it. Summer of My Heart will stay up but My Kryptonite will be demolished so yeah. If anyone wants to take over the story for me lemme know! Sorry to disappoint anyone who wanted the book to continue. DJ


Hello to anybody who actually reads this! So as you may know, I have not given a single rat tooth to My Kryptonite lately since well I lost my passion for 1D a while ago and with losing that passion for Harry I can't seem to find ideas to continue the story so I'm going to pull the plug on it. Summer of My Heart will stay up but My Kryptonite will be demolished so yeah. If anyone wants to take over the story for me lemme know! Sorry to disappoint anyone who wanted the book to continue. DJ