@DJUnicorn  hello!


Can't believe that there is already 20k reads on LABL.... Wow, I never expected to get as much! Haha. It's nice knowing that you guys like it so much! Thank you all for the votes as well! :D
          Status update: First three chapters are edited! I suggest reading them over (unless you're someone new haha) A lot more to go! 
          Seeing as to how long it takes me to edit one I will write the next chapter, don't want ye guys to be in suspense forever (like i did before oops)


@HalloweenCatGurl  t-three or four? Thats insane, I barely make one a week! I have other priorities as well you know. Im trying to do good in school and i take my art carreer more seriously than writing as of now. Sorry to disappoint you but that is just how it is unu I also like to let my readers get a little suspense between the chapters