Feel like I have been dragging my feet when it comes to TFC. Not for lack of motivation to write necessarily, but lack of motivation to make time to write.
This bothers me to no end and I feel like I'm slowly slipping back into old habits that I've been trying to force myself to break.
That being said...
I've decided to set a new goal for myself. I want to try and get a chapter of TFC done at least every 7-10 days. It *shouldn't* be difficult as I've already outlined 85% of the story.
I just need to write the dang thing, haha.
Anyway, I want to push myself by trying to shoot for once a week, but also giving myself a bit of cushion and leeway just in case I do get stuck. I think going between 7-10 days is adequate and will put me on track to finish the book by January-ish. Which was my initial goal.
The schedule will [should] be:
A new TFC update every Monday (if I'm on the early end) OR every Wednesday (at the very latest).
This means I should be done with Ch 7 by Monday the 4th. No excuses, hah. (Hopefully...sigh)
I'm gonna try and hold myself accountable to this and will be grateful if anyone would love to help me do this as well.
We'll see.