/; everyone go follow my lisa simpson anon it's @vegetariangirl-


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bart was on his way to the nearest convenience store   ,,   not really thinking about much  .   he just wanted a slushie and some time to chill  .   so you can imagine his surprise when he spotted someone nearby just   ,,   like   ,,   appear out of nowhere  .   "  what the fuck  —  "   he stopped right in his tracks  .


@speciallittleguy ravyen stood as she appeared out of nowhere, her eyes glowing black with her magic 


"I'm not trying to burn it all down, I'm trying to drag them all down where they belong. Human, demon, as bad as your father or just selfish. I don't care. " Cole stated stepping down the crumbling steps as the building collapsed behind him. " Banishing, binding. None of it is enough. "


@DMONICHLFS-- "they can have their bliss and be safe. I walk away from the ruins I leave. "