
To all who read it, how do you like Scale of Reality?? Penny for your thoughts? 


I’ve really enjoy it. I think it’s strong point imo is the  strong character personalities. I also think the power system is super unique and I’ve been enjoying that as well! Keep up the good work  


To all who read it, how do you like Scale of Reality?? Penny for your thoughts? 


I’ve really enjoy it. I think it’s strong point imo is the  strong character personalities. I also think the power system is super unique and I’ve been enjoying that as well! Keep up the good work  


Umm…I kind of posted my book. I-I would like it if y’all checked it out…thx…


I'm already excited to see where you take your book. I really enjoy both the characters and the aura:mana system you are using. The pacing is. pretty good, and the way you write is awesome. Seeing how far you've come over the years is awesome, and I know that I'll enjoy what you have coming next.


Yes I like the story and I want the mother to run with scissors and the father to forget how to stop his car.


@S1ritci I’ve written ahead and have more chapters at the ready but I need to review them and stuff. Thx a lot.


To all you beautiful people, I’m gonna be uploading my first book very soon!!! I’m super excited and nervous to put this out there but I think I’m doing really well so far. It takes a bit to build up so bare with it, but once it’s starts going I feel as if it becomes super intense and fun to read. Keep your eyes peeled, dropping my first attempt at peak fiction soon lmao.