What does it mean to be strange?
          	To be true to oneself?
          	Or to be different from the rest?
          	To label another's perspective as poignant,
          	Is an action that is idiotic in nature,
          	Remove the light from the shadow,
          	The shadow grows,
          	Weakness is labeled from a person's inability or void,
          	A good spirit isn't easily provoked,
          	But who defines what a good spirit is?
          	Is it the recipient of the actions done to preserve their own existence?
          	Or is God and there is no such thing as a good spirit?
          	Pain and loneliness can haunt us all,
          	It's the paradox of humanity to crave peace while crave conflict,
          	If you surround yourself with those that crave conflict,
          	Ask yourself, is this a process that will lead me to peace?
          	So that my spawn will not end up like the past of my generation?
          	My biggest pet peeve is the impatience of humanity,
          	There is a difference between ambition and impatience,
          	Ambition is drive, but should ideology be taken too far,
          	Ambition becomes greed, and that is what impatience is,
          	I am not a Bible,
          	I am not the Lord,
          	I've been secretive,
          	I have watched,
          	I have studied,
          	Still conducting a story,
          	As an observer of humanity,
          	Under God's watchful eye,
          	As my mind is set to endure the harsh realities of the world,
          	I remember that I don't need humans to value my opinion,
          	I just pray that God sees the value of my will.
          	This opinion is my own and it matters, if not to you than myself and my God. No one has a right to call your perspective worthless, no matter the relation. Who else agrees?


What does it mean to be strange?
          To be true to oneself?
          Or to be different from the rest?
          To label another's perspective as poignant,
          Is an action that is idiotic in nature,
          Remove the light from the shadow,
          The shadow grows,
          Weakness is labeled from a person's inability or void,
          A good spirit isn't easily provoked,
          But who defines what a good spirit is?
          Is it the recipient of the actions done to preserve their own existence?
          Or is God and there is no such thing as a good spirit?
          Pain and loneliness can haunt us all,
          It's the paradox of humanity to crave peace while crave conflict,
          If you surround yourself with those that crave conflict,
          Ask yourself, is this a process that will lead me to peace?
          So that my spawn will not end up like the past of my generation?
          My biggest pet peeve is the impatience of humanity,
          There is a difference between ambition and impatience,
          Ambition is drive, but should ideology be taken too far,
          Ambition becomes greed, and that is what impatience is,
          I am not a Bible,
          I am not the Lord,
          I've been secretive,
          I have watched,
          I have studied,
          Still conducting a story,
          As an observer of humanity,
          Under God's watchful eye,
          As my mind is set to endure the harsh realities of the world,
          I remember that I don't need humans to value my opinion,
          I just pray that God sees the value of my will.
          This opinion is my own and it matters, if not to you than myself and my God. No one has a right to call your perspective worthless, no matter the relation. Who else agrees?


When your own blood,
          Full of cancers,
          Wanting you to fail,
          Wanting you to trap yourself,
          Wanting you to feel beneath,
          Like your own struggles are irrelevant,
          Even if they took a harder path,
          If you know much hardship in your labors,
          Their hatred should feel like it's nullified,
          But it is not so simple,
          Seeing pettiness as looking out for you,
          Seeing their chaotic criticisms as a necessary evil to better yourself,
          And while I learn to be the exact opposite of the people they are,
          I ran into my own roadblocks,
          And am exploited for said weaknesses,
          Without a true acknowledgement of my strength,
          There can only be one consciousness,
          "I am everything,
          I am the one being",
          They think freedom is something you could give or take on a whim,
          But to your children,
          Freedom is just as essential as breathe,
          Without it there is no life,
          There is only darkness.


Am I selfish being for seeing only negative outcomes?
          For only seeing the reality for what it truly is,
          I could do more harm with open arms than a clenched fist,
          My mind at this state is more dangerous than a machine gun,
          The more I'm around folks,
          The more I explode with discomfort,
          Like a wounded animal searching for rest while it's surrounded by poachers,
          Guilt tripped for my own reasons,
          And tomorrow can just as easily be my downfall,
          Am I concerned?
          No, yesterday's enemies are today's recruits,
          My sister lay there weak and suffering while at the same time ungrateful,
          I lay the same while I am grateful,
          I still support,
          Even if it kills me,
          And if it does,
          Her tears shed would be the loss of someone of use,
          Not to a little brother who lived through abuse,
          Derogatory names I remember since my youth,
          From her own lips,
          Whips that bled me inside,
          I forgave but never forgotten,
          When I saved her from KKK,
          And no gratitude nor worry from her,
          Simply scared of her own life lost as she revealed to me,
          Used to better those who don't need my help,
          And when I help myself,
          Who truly is there?
          Who truly supports my efforts?
          The few friends and elderly family members,
          I surround myself with,
          Along with my current lover which is God's gift,
          I rather be called selfish than to help someone ungrateful,
          But that's all just in my mind isn't it?
          I'm the evil here as the crowd would assume,
          But they are selfish in the theories they presume,
          Though times like this where you don't care at all,
          My help to you is your greatest downfall.


Every path you choose will either lead to right or wrong but those will be your decisions and no path is 'wrong' it's about how we take the path. If it feels like you're being lead to some wrong path, take a pause and think whether you want to change the lanes or speed up the pace. 


Guilt is ancient,
          A light in a dark tunnel,
          An illusion filled with truths,
          To make one just as deceitful,
          If you see a light,
          Is it tangible?
          Is it a path to freedom?
          And if so, what kind of freedom?
          A liberation from your past?
          A liberation from pain?
          An acceptance bred within a false world, a false mind, a false tongue?
          A room full of devils and a room full of emptiness,
          Sorrowful in both,
          A hollow mountain that ignores the echoes of its screaming victims,
          Guilt that is,
          Sin it is not,
          Sin is animosity and curiosity,
          Lust breeds ambition,
          Deception breeds definition,
          Hope breeds lies,
          Faith breeds unity,
          A clarity that has to be cycled,
          In order to understand these complexities,
          The mind must be empty,
          It is the addiction to lust that men are more disconnected from their counterparts,
          It is the nature of being deceitful that a smiling soul knows how to channel their darkness,
          When you think you can trust your own blood,
          The red doesn't show enough fluidness,
          To fall audience to your rightful lip,
          Faith is consistent which most people are not,
          They never know what you truly desire,
          But as a shadow,
          I stand behind you silent,
          Awaiting your movement,
          Awaiting your orders,
          To offer council,
          The delusions behind deceit,
          A door only opened by the naive,
          Wanting to help those who are in need,
          A need to manipulate and increase their greed,
          A need to use the kind to frame for foul deeds,
          Timeless as a void may be,
          I'm glad you were empty,
          Enough to find me.