Thank you ever so much for welcoming me to this site Maja; what a beautiful name, it's so nice meeting you. I appreciate the hospitality you are offering me and your kindness in offering your assistance here as this site has been on my mind for the past several days since I signed up.
I do plan on posting this second novel I am writing on here, and I was curious as to how others will know it's on here; If they automatically see it come up as on Youtube postings or do you have to let members know. I wasn't going to attempt researching that until I was ready to start posting, but now with your generous introduction, it's a better time than any to ask.
Honestly, I am not one to post such personal work online, but reviewing the feedback and reading about the opportunities many have been given on this site, I find that it is a really great sign and personal message to me. I am eager to post soon, possibly next week or after as I am curious how it will work. I am also excited about it as I had not heard about this site until I read the reviews of Miss Reekles.
It is so nice to meet you once again, and I hope we have many more conversations in the mere future.
All My Best,
x r x