
Dear brilliant author,
                  I just finished reading you story midnight love, and I must admit it’s now a favorite. Truthfully I never liked books that had to do with wolfs or anything of the sort cause they were cringy and what not but this book.. a masterpiece. From the variety in vocabulary to the smooth plot. The book was an amazing read and worth the time spent to read. The only critique I’d like to offer is about the spacing of the book. Most of it is one giant paragraph which made it hard to keep track of where I already read, so maybe if it is split into more paragraphs. Other than that minor problem, your book is AMAZING. Truly a great piece of writing. I look forward to your other pieces. 


thank you for commenting and voting on my books luv!!❤️❤️❤️


Lol ohhhh darling you don’t even have to thank me. I genuinely enjoyed reading your work. You’re one of few who understand the line between keeping a good entertaining and overwhelming your reader with drama. I look forward to reading more of your work, keep doing you boo ✨


For your book Midnight Love:
          I love, Love, LOVED this— a dominant, poised, loc’d, intelligent African American woman as a leading role—uh, YES! The writing left me on the edge of my seat and SQUEALING with joy! (yes, I said squealing). The only critique I would have for this wonderful piece of writing is that the length of some of the paragraphs may be a bit long; to stop readers like me from losing our places in what feels like a long scroll of words may be to split the longer paragraphs up into smaller ones, as a stylistic choice. But for real, I want to read MORE, like you can’t leave me hanging like that!  I’ll be waiting ❤️ 
          P.S. I tried to post this as a comment in the book but Wattpad wouldn’t let me (maybe because the the character count was too much), so if you magically see it in the comments when Wattpad is done acting up then, disregard it


Of course! You deserve it! I would love to read the final version


@TheBadAs1 oh my gosh  you have no idea what your post means to me. Your words are so sweet. I was a little discouraged because basically no one read my work but your comment made my entire day and it’s only 9:30 in the morning lol. I appreciate your feedback and will definitely use it in my future work. BUT this version of ML was the first version; I have revamped it so if you would like to read the final version I would be more than happy to post  it  thank you so much for the love