
Tingg tingg!!
          	First of all, i want to apologise because i had to pospone the date when i was supposed to publish the next chapter. It's all because of I couldn't find the right time to finish it. And i have a lot of assignments and works but no worries, i will surely publish the next chapter soon!
          	Lots of love,


Tingg tingg!!
          First of all, i want to apologise because i had to pospone the date when i was supposed to publish the next chapter. It's all because of I couldn't find the right time to finish it. And i have a lot of assignments and works but no worries, i will surely publish the next chapter soon!
          Lots of love,


Tingg tingg!! 
          Series 1 - Death Fiore
          "HIS CUERO" 
          Bab 1 will be published tomorrow at 11:00 p.m. Stayy tunedd <3
          For your information, this is the first series of The Death Fiore's stories. It might become a slow updated because i will be publishing each chapter every 2 days.
          Author lebih nervous + excited!!! 


Hii, nicee too meet my future followers (if ada la). Sedikit sebanyak i will introduce myself as a new writer.
          I am called "Dstyna" - nama sebenar kekalkanlah mystery dulu. Ni macam sesi perkenalan tau. (even sekarang i tak ada follower lagi, insyallah for my future followers yang akan baca)
          First of all, i want to say Thank You sbb sudi follow, yang sudi baca cerita wattpad i tak seberapa ni. As you can see, i am a new writer. And i am going to try my best to intertain all of my followers and fans. Please do remember that i can make a lot of mistakes so if ada, tegus nicely. Not need to kecam or hate. I will take all advice kindly.
          Sebarang kesalahan atau kesilapan sepanjang penulisan i, i mohon maaf selalu and tegurrr yee <3 lovee youu all and introduced yourself too tauu in the comment >>>>>