
We are pushing the deadlines back. Articles are due on the 20th and publishing will be on the 25th.


 What's this months theme 


We need all the help we can get! Please share this with everyone you can! Post it in random DW related things, just try. If we don't have enough people on board, this magazine is over before it can even start. We're trying to get the magazine up and running by June. If we don't have enough by the end of the month, we are closing down the magazine.


Hey, just a reminder to help get the magazine out. Once we get a sufficient amount of people on board we can really then start producing issues!


@DW-Magazine Okay, I'll do my best to advertise in my social circles. I hope to get this up and running soon!


Alright; I'm probably going to have to put this work on hold until this weekend, because I'm becoming surprisingly busy at the moment, so I'm sorry if I seem to be slacking.