I know I've been all over the place recently, but I can promise that as soon as I finish Shattered Bloodlines, I will quickly finish Entanglement of Time since I finally have some ideas for the story and I found a few old drafts of what I was writing in a google doc (yes, I use that). We're almost there and then once I get those two out of the way, a new story will be coming soon (I'm still working out the story behind this next one).
Forgot to mention, but Entanglement of Time is one of my more shorter stories. There are going to be only two or three more chapters (possibly four, it depends), but I will finish it after Shattered Bloodlines. Then, after I've done with Entanglement of Time, I will begin a new story. Also, Lycanthropy has been replaced with this new story since I have no idea what to write for Lycanthropy. It'll take a few days since I'm kind of burnt out, but I won't give up.