Hello Whovians and welcome to the official Doctor Who fan fiction account!

We are an account dedicated to the fantastic Doctor Who community here on Wattpad. Feel free to suggest or review a fanfic to build up the ever growing reading list!

This page is open to new suggestions and we are always happy to hear what you have to say! Tag your fanfiction #dwfanficrec or send us a message if you want your story featured.

Come on Doctor Who community, let's do this together. Allons-y!

Meet the Team:
@warpdrive • admin
@timelordcurse • assistant admin
@alexdanvers • book review moderator
@-Sasstiel- • contest moderator
@exxpelliarmus • reading list curator
@mxss-holmes • reading request moderator
  • The TARDIS
  • ПриєднавсяMarch 24, 2015

Останнє повідомлення
DWFanFicRec DWFanFicRec May 07, 2017 09:03PM
This is Contest Moderator @-infatuation- here! Has anybody forgot about this page, because I sure have!Is anybody ready for a new contest? Expect one to be up soon! :)
Переглянути всі бесіди

Історії від Doctor Who Fanfic Rec
The Clever Companions' Contests від DWFanFicRec
The Clever Companions' Contests
a collection of time wimey contests updated every month!
Doctor Who ; episode review & guide від DWFanFicRec
Doctor Who ; episode review & guide
detailed episode reviews by @warpdrive & @exxpelliarmus for @DWFanficRec !!! spoiler alert for all episodes o...
TARDIS ; book reviews від DWFanFicRec
TARDIS ; book reviews
Hello, Whovians! Books, much like the TARDIS, are truly bigger on the inside because they contain such powerf...
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