Sorry to get your hopes up for a new chapter of this story. This story has run its course. But that doesn't mean I've stopped writing. I have published a book! It's called Revolution of War and it is an adventure all on its own. And let me tell you all about it.
Derek Revere has lived a simple eternal life as a vampire for the last 181 years, at least until his most recent meetup with longtime friend and object of his affections, vampire Virginia March, and her new companion werewolf, Madeline Timber. When the three supernaturals discover some interesting facts about their turnings, or being orphaned in Madeline's case, the three set out to find, and destroy, their maker. What adventures will they find along the way, and what secrets will they be forced to keep?
If this interests you, here is the link to purchase Revolution of War off of Barns and Noble.
Thank you for your time and if you bought a copy thank you so much!
That's all for now. Bye!