“Now to explain my favourite part of this class. There will be a competition that you all will be competing in with a group of your choice. Now most of your competition consists of the people seated around you, but students who are majoring in electronic and music composition studies are also going to be joining us. Their teachers are in the middle of the exact same spiel I’m giving you. This competition will take place over the course of the year. The winner will be decided by a weekly vote on the radio, winner gets two thousand dollars. The outlines of this competition are simple you have to be in a group of at least two and create a completely original song. Key words; COMPLETELY ORIGINAL. That means no stealing tunes, phrases, or names from other artists, famous or not. You don’t get any help from teachers or humans outside of school so the only people you are working with is your group. The only information you are working with is the material learned in class and the things you research or already have stored up in your memory. You all must have at least ten words in your song and here's this year's kicker; the xylophone must make some sort of appearance. Now in a few moments, the other classes will make their way in here and you will all create your groups. Choose wisely and let the war begin.” The professor finished his speech with a slightly reddened face.