
Hey guys
          	Sorry for being inactive for long. Life has been—hectic lately. I want to say what I’ve wanted to say for who knows how long and since its Eid, time of forgiveness and prayers for us muslims, I feel like this is the best day to say it
          	Im discontinuing “Alone In Medbay”, Im sorry. I really wanna finish that story, I really do.
          	But I’ve just gone through a horrible mental burn out and now I feel like my happiness when I write that fanfic is gone. It felt like more of a chore than a hobby now. I’m sorry I couldn’t even get to the part y’all prolly waited like the kissing/confession scene. Im not sure if I have the strength to even continue chapter 9. 
          	The story started off as a silly dare and wow I never knew it would end up like this. 
          	I know you guys love that story and I really appreciate y’all’s comment, compliments and stars on it. I’m sorry I couldn’t repay the kindness y’all gave me. I’m selfish, I know.
          	I wanted to post this on my story but I don’t want to disappoint my readers to thinking I’ve uploaded a new chapter but instead just a really stupid selfish apology/resignment note.
          	I dont know if I’ll delete that story, its up to y’all. I hope you can forgive me, its okay if you don’t.
          	I’m just not responsible enough or have enough mental capability of handling a multichap fanfic especially when my life is currently chaotic and utterly hectic. 
          	Im sorry, I know I’ve said that a lot, but im still really really sorry
          	I’m selfish
          	I’m irresponsible
          	I’m a mess
          	Im sorry you guys have to see this part of me and suffer because of it. I just wanted to get this off my chest as it was plaguing for a long time. 
          	You guys can rage, insult or hate me in the reply, I’ll allow it as I deserve it. I just want you guys to know i truly am sorry


@DaDonutPanda No, It's quite alright. It's not your fault if you can't continue it. Hope you get better and I love your writing, You are incredible and your work is amazing. Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night. No need to feel bad about it. It's quite alright :DD


@DaDonutPanda no you're not a mess. You're incredible and your fic is beautiful. I fully understand. This is why I haven't posted any chapters for a month or 2. Because it felt like something I was supposed to do and not something I did for fun. And trust me, life isn't easy. I keep getting judged by my family so you're not alone in bad situations. If you need help, talk to me on Wattpad. Maybe you could get my Discord, who knows? I know how to help out. 


@ DaDonutPanda  i mean, i was looking foward to it so that's sad. But you're the one who writes it so it's your choise to stop or continue. And you probably wrote it for fun. But if there is no fun in the writing then there is no point for you to do it. I hope that you'll find something else to write or to do wich you enjoy and that you may be happy for noone deserves to have the burden of living up to online persons expectations.


Hey guys
          Sorry for being inactive for long. Life has been—hectic lately. I want to say what I’ve wanted to say for who knows how long and since its Eid, time of forgiveness and prayers for us muslims, I feel like this is the best day to say it
          Im discontinuing “Alone In Medbay”, Im sorry. I really wanna finish that story, I really do.
          But I’ve just gone through a horrible mental burn out and now I feel like my happiness when I write that fanfic is gone. It felt like more of a chore than a hobby now. I’m sorry I couldn’t even get to the part y’all prolly waited like the kissing/confession scene. Im not sure if I have the strength to even continue chapter 9. 
          The story started off as a silly dare and wow I never knew it would end up like this. 
          I know you guys love that story and I really appreciate y’all’s comment, compliments and stars on it. I’m sorry I couldn’t repay the kindness y’all gave me. I’m selfish, I know.
          I wanted to post this on my story but I don’t want to disappoint my readers to thinking I’ve uploaded a new chapter but instead just a really stupid selfish apology/resignment note.
          I dont know if I’ll delete that story, its up to y’all. I hope you can forgive me, its okay if you don’t.
          I’m just not responsible enough or have enough mental capability of handling a multichap fanfic especially when my life is currently chaotic and utterly hectic. 
          Im sorry, I know I’ve said that a lot, but im still really really sorry
          I’m selfish
          I’m irresponsible
          I’m a mess
          Im sorry you guys have to see this part of me and suffer because of it. I just wanted to get this off my chest as it was plaguing for a long time. 
          You guys can rage, insult or hate me in the reply, I’ll allow it as I deserve it. I just want you guys to know i truly am sorry


@DaDonutPanda No, It's quite alright. It's not your fault if you can't continue it. Hope you get better and I love your writing, You are incredible and your work is amazing. Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night. No need to feel bad about it. It's quite alright :DD


@DaDonutPanda no you're not a mess. You're incredible and your fic is beautiful. I fully understand. This is why I haven't posted any chapters for a month or 2. Because it felt like something I was supposed to do and not something I did for fun. And trust me, life isn't easy. I keep getting judged by my family so you're not alone in bad situations. If you need help, talk to me on Wattpad. Maybe you could get my Discord, who knows? I know how to help out. 


@ DaDonutPanda  i mean, i was looking foward to it so that's sad. But you're the one who writes it so it's your choise to stop or continue. And you probably wrote it for fun. But if there is no fun in the writing then there is no point for you to do it. I hope that you'll find something else to write or to do wich you enjoy and that you may be happy for noone deserves to have the burden of living up to online persons expectations.


Oh my god its 1 am and I just realize Alone In Medbay got 5k reads TYSMMM!!!
          Chap 9 is in progress and theres just some sequences where I find it way to hard to write for some reason.
          Maybe I’ll do a QnA book for this special occasion? Feel free to ask me about stuff (as long as its not too personal like name or etc). I’ll try to answer it in a QnA book so it doesnt get overwhelming


@donotjudgeme11037 Im WrItInG tHe ChAp, ItS sO lOnG


I nEeD tHe nExT uPdAtE 


I think Im gonna make a Socks x Meme War AU
          I don't know why but I just have this sudden idea
          What d'y'all think?


Really? Good cause Im writing it rn lmao


@DaDonutPanda oh? Ohoho, that's a cool idea since Meme and Socks is like that pair that have a love-hate relationship between them. 