I'm really sorry if this question bothers you, and you definitely don't have to answer if you don't want to, but I noticed in your About page that you no longer ship Morpheus and Alyssa, and wondered who you do ship from the Splintered series if anyone. Also, I apologize for the run-on sentence. I hope you have a great day.

@volatxlebxtch Honestly, same! I think Morpheus especially has huge potential as a possible villain... To be honest, I started writing half a Jenara/Alyssa fic, but that never went anywhere. Hopefully someday soon I finish it and post @_@ (And Persephone was so awesome. 100% willing to learn more about her.)

@DaHanci Thank you for answering. I actually agree with almost everything, although I still do like most of the characters (minus Jeb) by themselves as individuals. Some of them don't do very well together. I also would have liked to read more about Persephone despite her being a minor character because she seemed interesting. Have an awesome day!

@volatxlebxtch Totally fine! Questions are cool and you were very polite. So I actually am not really a fan of Splintered anymore. At most, I'd ship Jen and Alyssa. Other than that, nobody-- especially not in the main trio. The best explanation I could find was this post by a user from the goodreads fan club: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1167849-wings-vs-wheels?comment=108726493&page=7#comment_108726493