
 I most likely won't be on for a long while because I am busy with work.


Hey guys. So unless got back into my account but I'm probably not going to update any books. If I will I'll let you know. I might un follow you but it's not because of you it's just there's some space being took up on my phone..so, sorry about that if I un follow most of you guys... :/


All of my friends irl @spacemancraig @blueelephant2014 @MidnightNinja27 just text me and I'll notify u guys but for the rest of my followers I'm leaving wattpad. It's just gotten boring. And it's taking up space. @blueelephant2014 if u could finish How I Met My Mate that would be great. It's not u guys it's just wattpad gotten boring for me. Bye guys. :(
          Don't wanna leave on a bad note so here's a smile face. ^_^ bye


I decided to get back into wattpad because I missed it.. so.....
            I'm back! ^_^