
New chapter up now! Chapter 25 - C 
          	 I'm fully aware that my trash level went up by 100+ because even though I said I was going to try to update more this came almost 2 months after the last chapter. Please forgive me


@Da_vamp it said complete, but I need answers.


@Da_vamp Update plz it was sooooooo gooooood


New chapter up now! Chapter 25 - C 
           I'm fully aware that my trash level went up by 100+ because even though I said I was going to try to update more this came almost 2 months after the last chapter. Please forgive me


@Da_vamp it said complete, but I need answers.


@Da_vamp Update plz it was sooooooo gooooood


@Da_vamp Hey, I just finished reading your story and I'm sorry to hear you can't write it anymore. I don't know if you have given the story to someone else, but I'd be happy to write the sequel to your story. So message me if no else has taken the chance. I'd really love to continue your story.


Hey da_vamp! I want to adopt your book, falling apart, it's a really great book and what I see in the future is a REALLY long journey with a battle in the end that will be worth waiting for as well as new sequels with different problems in each book that Bella and the Cullen coven solace with or without specific members! I really hope you take it into consideration of letting me adopt the book! Thanks!