
Hey guys!
          	Emm It's me Zara, in case ye have forgotten. I just wanted to apologize firstly for not updating any of my stories for quite some time. I feel awful for not updating. I am in my last year of college and I am struggling with the work load, projects and exams. It's been hard. I really have no motivation or inspiration to carry on writing these stories. Writing takes up a lot of time which I really don't have right now. As much as I would love to write new chapters, my studies come first.  I don't really know when I will have time again to sit down and just write. 
          	I am really thankful that you guys have been with this story for so long but I will understand if ye want to unfollow me for not updating and being active anymore. 
          	I hope this clears up a lot of things! Again, I really am sorry. I know what it feels like to wait for a story to be updated. 
          	Hope you all are doing well! :)
          	Lots of love,
          	Zara xoxoxox