
Just changed my pfp to the true King of the Pirates.


Hello to anyone who may be listening,I have decided to bring the "first story" vote down to 5 options.Each of these stories will be of franchises that has ended.No matter which one gets the most votes the story will be a male reader insert/x male reader.Another thing the love interest has been chosen for each of candidates in this vote.Anyway on to the 5 candidates.
          1. Marceline from Adventure time (I know some people will be telling me "shes with PB you can't do this blah blah blah",but marcy is bi so this story would be okay.You could always treat this as another universe.)
          2. Nikki from Camp camp (Yeah no lemon if i do this one.)
          3. Hekapoo from Star vs the forces of evil
          4. Gaz from Invader Zim (no lemon with this one just like Camp camp.)
          5. Kipo from Kipo and the age of the wonderbeasts
          The end of the vote will be when i get out of high school, so which ever one has the most votes by that time wins.


@JasonLotus yeah they are too young for something like that,so unless i set the lemon in the future it not happening


@Dabiflameboi yo man I respect that "No " policy you got going on. 
            Shows respect to the series....and decency to yourself....
            ...But I won't lie I'm more into Kipo. But hey do you.


Marceline from Adventure time (I know shes lesbian or bi,but we can just call this another universe)
          Fenneko from Aggretsuko (if this is chosen it will take me a while sense i need to finish the show)
          Anne from Amphibia
          Gwen from Ben 10 (this might have multiple books for each of the shows,maybe not the reboot.)
          Gogo from Big hero 6
          Louise from Bob's burgers (DON'T ASK WHY THIS IS IN HERE JUST GO WITH IT)
          Nikki from Camp camp
          Glendale from CentaurWorld
          Clockwork from Creepypasta (might have to make somthing original here)
          Harley quinn from DC (Might have to make somthing original for this one like clockwork)
          Monika from DDLC
          Susie from Deltarune
          Courtney from Dead end (that new show on netflix. Also they call them a her on the show so ima go with it)
          Renamon from Digimon
          Bean from disenchantment (don't get alot of these kinds of stories)
          Vados from dragon ball
          Nagatoro from...well Nagatoro
          Frankie from Fosters home
          Miko from Glitch techs
          Wendy from Gravity falls
          Niffty from Hazbin hotel
          Loona from helluva boss
          Reagan from inside job
          Gaz from invader Zim
          Peni parker from spiderman
          Kipo from...well Kipo
          Shego from kim possible
          Lucy from the loud house (DON'T ASK)
          Toga from MHA
          Vambre from Might magiswords
          Jenny from My life as a teenage robot
          Chysalis from MLP
          Zombina from monster musume
          Mileena from MK
          Shannon from OK KO
          Tatsumaki from One punch man
          Mei from overwatch
          Amity from owl house
          Glados from Portal
          Summer from Rick & Morty
          Velma from scooby-doo
          Peridot from Steven universe
          Hekapoo from Star vs
          Izzy from total drama
          Jinx from teen titans
          Mandy from Billy and Mandy
          Wednesday Addams from the addams family (might have to make my own original story for this one)
          Shatter from Transfromers
          Butt witch from twelve forever (its in the name for why i like her )
          Chara from undertale
          Dementia from villainous
          Lord dominator from wonder over yonder
          Ima give this 2 years and see what we get in the comments for votes.


If anyone actually reads this i would like to say that when ever I do start writing i want to set some stuff up before hand.So im going to announce my waifus,i have a rule for myself that says "i can only have one waifu per franchise". So im going to hold i kind of vote on which one i will do a story on (along with the franchise they are from).So let bring out our contestants.