
I have a question for all of you. What is your opinion on Rias? And I want to hear genuine opinions and not the idea of what you saw and read on this website/app. Everywhere I go and read and find a DxD books 75% of the things I look at it is always making Rias the bad and douchebag type of girl even tho the whole idea behind her is a girl who wants to get out of something that she is force into, her loving and caringness for her own Peerage, it is always switch into the mind of a bad guy from most people. I don't want any bias here so let me hear it all from you guys.


Yeah I don’t know why people make her a douchebag. She’s not even anything like they say she is. The argument of her not doing anything for Kiba and Akeno and taking advantage of them forget, she’s a devil. The whole point of those scenes is to draw parallel to a devil appearing in front of someone at their lowest to tempt them. I agree those back stories could of been better but bad writing doesn’t mean that the character is a douchebag. I’ve seen one saying that Rias doesn’t care about her Peerage when there’s multiple times in the show that the Gremory family sees their Peerage servants as family that’s includes Rias. In the Gasper episode Rias literally holds him to comfort him because she understands that he’s extremely shy. From my point of view all their complaints stem from the bad writing and misinterpreting Kiba and Akeno’s flash backs. 


@Dach_Sine Ah. Maybe the betrayal theme comes with the trope of nobility being corrupted. Like in Shield Hero how Melty was the corrupted princess or something. It's rather common in media for princes/princess to be seen in that light


@BahamutSilva I can't 100% say that is the reason because there are other. But I ain't gonna talk bad about those kind of fics because there are good quality in them and there are some execute it perfectly. I am just trying to find the logic behind it and the whole Betrayed premise that is always in DxD fics


I have a question for all of you. What is your opinion on Rias? And I want to hear genuine opinions and not the idea of what you saw and read on this website/app. Everywhere I go and read and find a DxD books 75% of the things I look at it is always making Rias the bad and douchebag type of girl even tho the whole idea behind her is a girl who wants to get out of something that she is force into, her loving and caringness for her own Peerage, it is always switch into the mind of a bad guy from most people. I don't want any bias here so let me hear it all from you guys.


Yeah I don’t know why people make her a douchebag. She’s not even anything like they say she is. The argument of her not doing anything for Kiba and Akeno and taking advantage of them forget, she’s a devil. The whole point of those scenes is to draw parallel to a devil appearing in front of someone at their lowest to tempt them. I agree those back stories could of been better but bad writing doesn’t mean that the character is a douchebag. I’ve seen one saying that Rias doesn’t care about her Peerage when there’s multiple times in the show that the Gremory family sees their Peerage servants as family that’s includes Rias. In the Gasper episode Rias literally holds him to comfort him because she understands that he’s extremely shy. From my point of view all their complaints stem from the bad writing and misinterpreting Kiba and Akeno’s flash backs. 


@Dach_Sine Ah. Maybe the betrayal theme comes with the trope of nobility being corrupted. Like in Shield Hero how Melty was the corrupted princess or something. It's rather common in media for princes/princess to be seen in that light


@BahamutSilva I can't 100% say that is the reason because there are other. But I ain't gonna talk bad about those kind of fics because there are good quality in them and there are some execute it perfectly. I am just trying to find the logic behind it and the whole Betrayed premise that is always in DxD fics


I just got home from school today and go online and see that Rushia has been terminated... I was confuse so i went on twitter and see post about the situation and i want to bring my thought to this drama.
          Ok. First of all i want to give a heads up that i am not in favor for anybody in this case. Everybody is guilty in this.
          I think the situation could have been resolve much faster if Cover tried and blow the flame down and to console with Rushia about it and to keep her mind from going into a state of panic and leaking company info to a drama channel like Korokure to break the NDA rule.
          Korokure is also guilty of not kerping his promise with Rushia about showing the info leak. Making the situation much worse.
          Cover may be harsh when they did not give Rushia a farewell but if you think situation back then you would understand why they have to do it. Breaking contract and NDA is not small and could have gone to court and or even jailtime. They are not favoring any talent when it come to it.
          And they have choose too option in this situation.
          1: They terminate her because of breaking contact and Nda to slow the flame down.
          2: They don't terminate and let her get away with it, then it would risk the whole company and all the talent to be in the situation where Cover corp would break down and all the talent will graduate without a single farewell
          The thought is your to see how it could have been done but remember this company is company if someone break the contract and break the Nda will be punish. This is bussiness and not a simple matter. Cover is right in this situation but they are still guilty to not have help her.


Well... guess what just happend today? So a little before that i was just chilling in my house and watching video. When i saw some FGO tuber community post about Melusine banner was back up again and i was really supprised that it was back up. So when i saw it, I open FGO up, download the file and get the free stuff that DW gives. I have enough Quartz to do one multi (I'm a F2P player and some of my quartz was blown on the summer and GudaGuda banner) i was really hopping for Melusine to show up because she the only (new) LB6 servant that i am missing and i have been praying would have get her since i miss her first banner. So i did my multi and.... 
          Low and behold... She fricking came! I was so shock that i was just laughing about it and keep saying "no way" when that happend. I am just so happy to her. Now i can finally check my list of what i wanted off, My god.


Heya... uhm.. never thought that i will go on here and vent something.. but it's seriously taking a toll on me.
          I know that everybody already know about parent agruing but.. in my case it's not the typical thing. My dad is an alchoholic. He drink everyday and at point i got used to it but he always go rambling about nonsense aned vullshit topic that 90% of the time he is wrong about it.. it got so anoying that i just want to go and seal that mouth of his to shut up at point and the wrost thing is that i can't. In this house my voice regulated to when it was happy at time and i can't voice my own concern and my feeling out at all... my mental health is fine for the most part, i'm keeping sain by myself no therapist. I just have to keep my voice down to not broke down. I'm sorry for anybody was just having a good day and read this. I just want it stop for once..