
@GophicDragon I KNOW! Seriously, you should've gotten that thing brought into the vet, it keeps growling at you! Maybe you should get it fixed.


Hey, I'm at your house...I did NOT know that this was a hole in a wall....that's great to know!
          you're still a Butt Trumpeting Bag of Poo, just to let you know
          ~Your bestest friend,
          P.S: My stomach won't shut up!


I have re-done chapter one, two and three of a crazy little thing called love! Which is being re-named as of the next five minutes... So! It's NEW NAME is...
          *Drum roll please!*
          Lost and Found
          :D It's going to be so much better... So please re-read it in the next like, half hour or so! Please! Or whenever you want.. but please do! 
          Love all my fans! 
          comment on how you think chapter one is now!
          and vote if you care at all! :D
          (I love all my fans, and you guys are the people that I keep writing for!)
          (Keep voting and commenting and fanning!)


          So I got your comment and since my computers shitty and won't let me reply I'm commenting on you wall. So as you said, yes I do have a very busy life, I mean I have numerous exams, course work, tutoring lessons, jujitsu lessons, projects, school work, various language work and then I have my social life with parties and all that shiz. I mean I have friends who literally walk into my house at like 8 in the morning, without warning, walk to my kitchen and proceed to eat all my food....
          So usually I am very busy but the main reason I don't upload is because I'm lazy and have no motivation to upload. I mean when I do upload I get no feedback and it just makes me feel like no one wants me to upload. Your the first person to message me since December, which is kind of depressing. If there were more people commenting and messaging me begging me to upload then I probably would. I mean when people were begging me to upload 24/7 I was uploading daily, but then they stopped begging and I stopped uploading. 
          I do feel really guilty and mean for doing what I do but I don't want to make time to write if no one is going to read it and tell me how bad it is... 
          Sorry ;P <3 x


          This message is about Once In A Lifetime.
          I edited chapter one.
          And I'm editing chapter two in five minutes.
          So there we go!
          Editing everything..and here are two links,
          So! There we are! Just picture Amealia with a bit more green eyes...im going to have a cover for the book soon, hopefully! I have asked my dear friend to make one for me! So I might or might not have one.
          LOVE ALL MY FANS! All 16 of them..