
Wattpad is dead, and I no longer have friends here. Find me on Discord, if you really wish. Ciao all, I wish I could say it’s been fun, but it’s really just been bittersweet. 


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Well this is weird, shit I haven't talked to you in two years or something. Havent been on wattpad much recently and it seems neither have you. Learned we're the same age, only a couple of months apart from your convos posts. Anyways I'm messaging people I used to talk to on here and just seeing what's up so idk if you wanna dm or something or whatever


I’ve not been in more pain since I had food poisoning.


@IcecreamVibes Mate chill out and check the dates of these posts they’re way old so no response is needed


@Daikester Oh, no, I've never had food poisonning so i dont know how its like but i do know that it is a reeeeeaaaaalllll pain


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I just bore witness to the most GENIUS Town of Salem game I've ever seen.
          So I was playing Town Traitor, where a town role gets randomly selected to join the Mafia. The TT in this instance was the Jailor
          I got ousted as the Consort because BOTH sheriffs were on me, and the Mafioso gets busted a couple nights later via Veteren because of transporter. So it's just the Godfather and the Jailor TT left, with increasingly suspicious town members getting on the trail + lots of random lynches.
          So, in a fucking POWER MOVE, the Jailor TT jailed the godfather, and executed him so he would be confirmed not the TT.
          NOBODY saw it coming. It took me a second to figure it out when I realized the TT jailed our Godfather and I immediately went 'THAT'S FUCKING GENIUS'
          Ah, I'm flabbergasted at how fucking good that play was.


So I got a shadow achievement (literally a cosmetic achievement) that has an approximately 0.0002% chance to drop. I also got a buff that has a 0.0035-0.0039% chance to drop.
          Am I stupid lucky or what?


Cookie Clicker


I am now 18! It has been 18 years since the day of my birth!


            Happy birthday, welcome to the club


Happy birthday 


So, I want to redraw your background if you’ll let me


It was. I worked to close... I also just gave the cats catnip and it might have been a bad idea