
Aye peoples! So enough of my book(s), let's talk about real books. I'm on the first few chapters of The Hunger Games and it's really good so should I read Catching Fire and/or Mockingjay? I find that sequels are hard to write and they're usually pretty boring so yeah...


Aye peoples! So enough of my book(s), let's talk about real books. I'm on the first few chapters of The Hunger Games and it's really good so should I read Catching Fire and/or Mockingjay? I find that sequels are hard to write and they're usually pretty boring so yeah...


So I got Go right, go wrong unpublished as I was going to write another book but didn't end up doing. Also because I have nothing to write and I'm catching up on stuff irl. But I might delete the story whole as I just want to so I don't know if i should republish it or not. Decisions, decisions, so should I delete the story or naw?


@Louis_Lucas my chat is broken


Agh I got a paper cut


I'm on a different device so my chat fixed XD 