One of my friends (lets call her agent) SHWES A BWULLWY shwe weawllewy dwosewent wike mwe. she wis cwonstwantwy dwisapwointwed win mwe wen mwy fwiend. shwe weats crass awnd swhe wis vweary vweary vweary smwart. shwe awctuwawly bwurt wa hwouswe dwown awnd thwe fbi twook her two dwa gwocewey store awnd thwen shwe bwurnt thwat dwon two. Shwe thwinks we ware a dwissapwointmwent bwut wook wat wher bwurning hwaouse awnd wa gwocerwy stroe dwon. swhe gwets gwood gwades bwut shwe wis wa bwad gwirw. Whenw shwe bwurned thwe whowle gwocerwy stwore dwone shwe ownlwy kwept wher twomatwo swoup. Evwery scwince thwat dway shwe swept wif dwa swoup, shwoured wif dwa swoup, awte wif dwa swoup anwd pwayed wif da swoup. It was wa twomatwo swoup cwan. bwut onwe dway thwe swoup gwot woup awnd stwarted dwancwing awaouwnd awnd swingwing "foreigner~" anwd thwen twook dwa scwootwer awnd dworve waway. dwen watwer agent went awnd twook a depwesed shat awnd then opwened iscord two bwe mwore disswapointwed win whawt hwer fwierds dwid. thwey DMed thwe elite gwoup of hackwers and thwen twold wus that shwe was dwissapointwed win wus awnd gwot swecondhwand embwerewsmwent. and thwen thwe twomatwo swoup bwecwame a "foreigner~" Thwis was wal bwased won twu wevenwts.