
Hay guys I need to ask you something. I suffer from hyperhidrosis and my underarms are away ssweating. This has been going on for year now and I have had to put up to six papertowles under etch arm so I wouldn't sweat though three shirts etch day. I have tryed many types of deordents and sweat wipes but nothing has workded. My mom won't let me see the doctor to see if there is anything they can do becouse she was able to deal with it at my age(eye roll) so I am stuck like this. Do any of you know anything that could help?


@obikaka4eba Thanks, I will look into that. The pharmaceutical not the surgery.


Hay guys I need to ask you something. I suffer from hyperhidrosis and my underarms are away ssweating. This has been going on for year now and I have had to put up to six papertowles under etch arm so I wouldn't sweat though three shirts etch day. I have tryed many types of deordents and sweat wipes but nothing has workded. My mom won't let me see the doctor to see if there is anything they can do becouse she was able to deal with it at my age(eye roll) so I am stuck like this. Do any of you know anything that could help?


@obikaka4eba Thanks, I will look into that. The pharmaceutical not the surgery.


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Went to a birthday parrty with my brother. It was at a lake and ther was this wired raft that looked like a dish sponge and a nother one that was a big blow up peacock. The boys where trying to tie the raft to the peacock but th erope was to small so I ised my hair ties gougle strap and the rope to tie them togother. I told them many times to stop horseing around becouse it would brake but they didn't listen even when I tld them I would untie it. I untied it and swam back to shore leaveing them there. I also get called Karan. I made those little bitchs pissed so fuck them I'm owning that name now. I never felt more like a badass. _Karen.


i love your bio!!


same i usually am too i am super clueless when it comes to anything about pop culture or social media 


@the_nice_people_cult Thanks. I am very stupid when it comes to slag for online


Dose anyone know what happned to the potato cult I can't seem to find it anywhere.


@Raven_Li Yes I did. I didn't know aht had happned to it thank you for telling me.


The other day I said the word Puppies in a really child like voice and my brother won't let me live it down.


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@Daisyroes33 Um... Fuck you.