
Hello there to all of you. I just started writing a story parallel to tcc (the crimson child; still working it out if the short form is worth it). The Story is called CT-7723-39 and as you guessed, will focus around a clone trooper. Now I wanted to ask you if you´d be interested in reading such a story or if I should just keep it to myself. I´d be more than happy to hear from you here and see you soon in my next chapter, where I will put those infos again btw. Until then, have a nice day. ;)


@ AdamTodd2 hey man, congrats, you're now officially older than me.I'm glad to see you enjoy the story still and hope you'll continue to do so. See you around. ;)


@Dakejo0 hey it was my birthday july 10 am 22 and i am still loving the story I hope u and your family are doing well and i am doing well I. June I got my new
          	   pc so I  dont have to deal with a crappy pc


@ AdamTodd2  hey there, I'm fine, hbu? I'm glad to see you still enjoying tcc


Your stories are so cool! I want to write like you as well!


@Dakejo0 Truly the best advice any writer can give someone.


@Dakejo0 Thanks for the tip, you earned my follow.


@ jackaroo62  it's mostly try and error, therefore improve yourself by trying again and again and if you need a piece of advice, I'm here so you can ask me anything, no worries. And thank you for the compliment, I'm trying my best day after day, and you can do it as well


Hello there to all of you. I just started writing a story parallel to tcc (the crimson child; still working it out if the short form is worth it). The Story is called CT-7723-39 and as you guessed, will focus around a clone trooper. Now I wanted to ask you if you´d be interested in reading such a story or if I should just keep it to myself. I´d be more than happy to hear from you here and see you soon in my next chapter, where I will put those infos again btw. Until then, have a nice day. ;)


@ AdamTodd2 hey man, congrats, you're now officially older than me.I'm glad to see you enjoy the story still and hope you'll continue to do so. See you around. ;)


@Dakejo0 hey it was my birthday july 10 am 22 and i am still loving the story I hope u and your family are doing well and i am doing well I. June I got my new
             pc so I  dont have to deal with a crappy pc


@ AdamTodd2  hey there, I'm fine, hbu? I'm glad to see you still enjoying tcc


Hello there friend, I have checked your book and it's really interesting, enough to make you a good judge of a book, I need that, an opinion on my newly published story if it is possible, I would appreciate a lot. 


With crimson chips, can you have him actually fall in love with bo.... the whole acting thing is kinda getting old. Plus it'd be cool for him to rebel against his master and get his own permanent apprentice. Anyway love your story! Just thought of this, a pregnant boy trying to go out to battle but there's mandalorian wars holding her back or bo having our sith spend millions of credits on the strangest most disgusting foods for her to eat with all her hormones involving pregnancy


@ IsaiahWarner7  maybe I waant thinking about the food part bit I think I already left some hints in the story where their relationship will go. Thank you for the great suggestion.


*crimson child*