
Thank you so much for voting for one of my stories 


Phi, I have a new book and each month I post a new magazine type. And knew of the sections is A Lesson With... Or a How To With and I was wondering if you knew anyone how would be interested in writing something for the mag, or if you wanted to. Please ask them to message me for details


Hi there, I have a boo and every month I post a new magazine type thing. One of the sections is A Lesson With or a How To With and I was wondering if you would like to write something about how to achieve the perfect Balance over jumps or how to prepare for a show, if your interested please message me for more details 


Just a note to all of your serious equestrian followers!!
          I have a book and very month I post a new magazine type thing, and I have a part where a horse riding instructor writes about how to achieve the perfect jumping eq and how to calm a restless horse and so one. So please get the word around and message me about what you want me to feature in this section and if you want to be the person who writes about how to do something. Just message me everything


          I have started a magazine type book thing and I need one of my equestrian followers to be interviewed as part of one of the parts. I will send you the questions and the you just send me the answers, simple. They will be about what you think your part in the equestrian world is and how long you have been riding! And if you. Oils get the word around and even send me before and after pictures for the equine transformation column. THERE IS A NEW ISSUE EVERY MONTH