So naturally I’m going to change the name of this book again. Had to go looking for domain names I could grab and “Eureca” is taken. So I’m thinking “Transient Risk.” Looking for a cover that fits with a breast cancer theme, preferably with a black woman. Here’s an image that is reasonably close to what I’m looking for: https://bglh-marketplace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/blackwomancancer.jpg
@Somerschool @DaleMarvin2 Oh also, are you aware that I have sent you some Transient Risk covers?
@Somerschool Oh right ok no worries - cheers for explaining the domain names. Is that a better way to go about getting a book out there, do you think?
Thanks for the Mormon covers... I think the Angel Moroni that I started with is OK. I’m trying not to offend Mormons more than necessary—Moroni is something Mormons would recognize but non-Mormons might miss. As for domain names—like “Wattpad.com.” I’m going to get “transientrisk.com” so that I can publish and promote my book.