
Title: The Boy next door
          	Author: Jennifer Dallas
          	Subtitle: The name may sound like a boy- BUT- she's a girl.
          	Summary: The boy next door? Even the name sounds cliche.. But I can- almost- 100% granteed that he'll not be 1. a werewolf (I blame that on twilight..), 2. a vampire (again twilight..), 3. a 'Bad Boy' (yet he haven't been to jail, rob a bank, or listen to hip-pop\rap?), 4. a 'Nerd' (thank you One Direction..), or 5. one of One Direction's member. Nope. The boy next door is not a boy at all. Like not even close.. The name may sound like a boy- BUT- she's a girl. Trust me on this one, she is. Not a very lucky girl- BUT- you never know what's standing outside your window these days..


Title: The Boy next door
          Author: Jennifer Dallas
          Subtitle: The name may sound like a boy- BUT- she's a girl.
          Summary: The boy next door? Even the name sounds cliche.. But I can- almost- 100% granteed that he'll not be 1. a werewolf (I blame that on twilight..), 2. a vampire (again twilight..), 3. a 'Bad Boy' (yet he haven't been to jail, rob a bank, or listen to hip-pop\rap?), 4. a 'Nerd' (thank you One Direction..), or 5. one of One Direction's member. Nope. The boy next door is not a boy at all. Like not even close.. The name may sound like a boy- BUT- she's a girl. Trust me on this one, she is. Not a very lucky girl- BUT- you never know what's standing outside your window these days..