New start to Chapter Two - ISS. This gets around my quandary over the solar flare. I got rid of it. Oh, to have such super powers!
"The commander hit a large green button on the wall. The sirens were silenced, but the threatening flashing continued to remind us the emergency was still in progress.
"Our invisible enemy comprised neutrons mainly but also protons coughed out by various high-energy sources in the galaxy. New geosynchronous satellites gave warnings which were relayed to us from NASA who triggered the alarm. Several ISS modules were now protected, but the safest was Destiny. Its new water-jacket absorbed many particles before they could do damage, but some would inevitably pass through both it and us, potentially damaging our DNA and causing future cancers, cataracts and other medical problems. Everything was done to minimise the risk to us, but space was inherently an unsafe place in which to work and we’d need to be monitored for the rest of our lives.
"We whispered among ourselves while half listening to the conversation which Mike was conducting with NASA and Roscosmos.
"The call ended. ‘Okay guys. We’re stuck in here for about forty minutes until we enter the Earth’s shadow. The danger will be over by the time we emerge. Sorry to the newcomers. Not much of a welcome for you. We get two or three of these a week.’ Several of us muttered innocuous responses.
"Arriving on the ISS is no holiday, but the emergency gave us the opportunity to relax, have a coffee and talk about current ISS projects. In such fascinating company our temporary imprisonment quickly passed and the induction action for Zinaida and me was underway once more."
Thanks for spurring me into resolving it.